
Welcome to Musicacrossasia,

In Musicacrossasia, we proudly present to you the latest and fresh song lyrics across Asia. Currently, we have provided more than 1000 Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesia, Thai, Vietnamese songs lyrics (And yes, we will make it 100.000 lyrics and more in the future.)


I am a big Chinese pop lovers,I always tried to find a new Chinese song everyday. As non-native Chinese speaker, sometimes I can't read and pronounce some part of the song lyrics. I'm sure there are lot people who facing the same problem with me. And because of that, I made this blog. Our goals are to make more people able to understand the song better with the romanization version of the original lyrics and English translation, and for sure, promote Asian beautiful songs.


If you have any questions, advices, inquiry, cooperation offers. Please send it to musicacrossasia @ gmail.com . I'm glad to know it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'd like to know if you have any problems with copyright by posting these songs and lyrics on this website?
