YOONA 임윤아 - When The Wind Blows 如果你也想起我 (Chinese Ver.) Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation

YOONA 임윤아 - When The Wind Blows 如果你也想起我 (Chinese Ver.) Lyrics 中文版歌詞 with English Translation

Singer : Yoona  임윤아
Album : When The Wind Blows
Title :  如果你也想起我 (Ru Guo Ni Ye Xiang Qi Wo)
English Title : When The Wind Blows

Chinese version lyrics / English Translation /  中文版歌詞 :

Stars in the sky
Stars in the sky
hēiyè jiù biàn dé bù yīyàng
The night not same anymore
我最安心的向往 和你去過的地方
wǒ zuì ānxīn de xiàngwǎng hé nǐ qùguò dì dìfāng
My most reassuring yearning is went to the places with you
nǐ hái jìdé ma
Do you still remember?
像那天的風 輕舞飛揚
xiàng nèitiān de fēng qīng wǔ fēiyáng
Like the wind of that day, light dance flying
是你牽著我 穿梭那條長巷
shì nǐ qiānzhe wǒ chuānsuō nà tiáo zhǎng xiàng
You're holding me on the long lane

You are my star
You are my star
好想你 告白的模樣
hǎo xiǎng nǐ gàobái de múyàng
I really miss you, (your) conffesion apperance
好想你 無論你在哪
hǎo xiǎng nǐ wúlùn nǐ zài nǎ
I really miss you, wherever you are
dūhuì lái wǒ shēn páng
Will you come to my side
wǒ hǎoxiàng zuòmèng yīyàng
I just like a dream
hé nǐ de huíyì xiàng xīngguāng
And your memories just like the starlight
yè néng bùnéng wéi wǒ biàn màncháng
Can night becomes long for me
那時我不懂 你有多愛我
nà shí wǒ bù dǒng nǐ yǒu duō ài wǒ
The thing that I didn't understand that time is that you have much love for me

nǐ hái jìdé ma
Do you still remember
chūcì jiànmiàn dì měihǎo shíguāng
It's the most beauituful time when I first met you
你害羞微笑 我捨不得遺忘
nǐ hàixiū wéixiào wǒ shěbudé yíwàng
Your shy smile, I can't forget it

You are my star
You are my star
好想你 告白的模樣
hǎo xiǎng nǐ gàobái de múyàng
I really miss you, (your) conffesion apperance
好想你 無論你在哪
hǎo xiǎng nǐ wúlùn nǐ zài nǎ
I really miss you, wherever you are
dūhuì lái wǒ shēn páng
Will you come to my side
wǒ hǎoxiàng zuòmèng yīyàng
I just like a dream
hé nǐ de huíyì xiàng xīngguāng
And your memories just like the starlight
yè néng bùnéng wéi wǒ biàn màncháng
Can night becomes long for me
那時我不懂 你有多愛我
nà shí wǒ bù dǒng nǐ yǒu duō ài wǒ
The thing that I didn't understand that time is that you have much love for me
那時我不懂 愛情的模樣
nà shí wǒ bù dǒng àiqíng de múyàng
The thing that I didn't understand that time is what love was like

我們最後 站在月光下
wǒmen zuìhòu zhàn zài yuèguāng xià
Our ending is stood under the moonlight
季節盡頭 我們會在哪
jìjié jìntóu wǒmen huì zài nǎ
We will be there at the end of the season
hǎo xiǎng tīng nǐ shuōhuà
I wanna hear your voice
wǒ hǎo xìngyùn
I'm so lucky
在這世界 能夠遇見你
zài zhè shìjiè nénggòu yùjiàn nǐ
that I can met you in this world
如果你也想起我 能不能笑著 想我
rúguǒ nǐ yě xiǎngqǐ wǒ néng bùnéng xiào zhuóxiǎng wǒ
If you missing me too, can I smile? Miss me
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