You Zhang Jing 尤長靖 - Crystal Sky of Yesterday 昨日青空 Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation

You Zhang Jing 尤長靖 - Crystal Sky of Yesterday 昨日青空 (Zuo Ri Qing Kong) Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation | 尤長靖 昨日青空歌詞

You Zhang Jing 尤長靖 - Crystal Sky of Yesterday 昨日青空 (Zuo Ri Qing Kong) Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation | 尤長靖 昨日青空歌詞

Singer: You Zhang Jing 尤長靖
Album: Crystal Sky of Yesterday 昨日青空
Title: 昨日青空 (Zuo Ri Qing Kong)
English Title: Crystal Sky of Yesterday

忽然 一瞬間長大
Hūrán yī shùnjiān zhǎngdà
Suddenly we grew up
就像 被時間的手 擦模糊的畫
jiù xiàng bèi shíjiān de shǒu cā móhú de huà
Just like paintings blurred by the hands of time
我們啊 各自要去哪
wǒmen a gèzì yào qù nǎ
Where are each one of us heading towards to?
問題好傻 誰又能 回答
wèntí hǎo shǎ shuí yòu néng huídá
The question is so silly, I wonder who can answer it

想念從 不說話
xiǎngniàn cóng bù shuōhuà
I miss the days from before we spoke to each other until now
來不及的再見 多喧嘩
láibují de zàijiàn duō xuānhuá
The goodbye too late to be spoken feels so loud
péi wǒ kàn dàyǔ luòxià
Accompany me watching the rain falls
潮濕的心 滴滴答答 帶著溫柔 又想起你啊
cháoshī de xīn dī dīdā dá dàizhe wēnróu yòu xiǎngqǐ nǐ a
A weeping heart, tears dripping. I remembered you again along with your gentleness

我好想你 在起風的夜裡
wǒ hǎo xiǎng nǐ zài qǐ fēng de yèlǐ
I miss you so much in the windy nights
我好想你 在人群的縫隙
wǒ hǎo xiǎng nǐ zài rénqún de fèngxì
I miss you so much in midst of a large crowd
你聽見嗎 這一句喜歡你
nǐ tīngjiàn ma zhè yījù xǐhuān nǐ
Did you heard this phrase, "I like you"?
zhuī dé shàng nǐ bèiyǐng ma
Can I catch up with your silhouette?
那些大喊過的名字 沒完成的約定
nàxiē dà hǎnguò de míngzì méi wánchéng de yuēdìng
Those names we shouted. The promises that we didn't fulfill
全都藏在心底 開出寂寞的花
quándōu cáng zài xīndǐ kāi chū jìmò de huā
I hide all them at the bottom of me heart. Blossoming the flowers of loneliness
你好嗎 為什麼長大就要走散啊
nǐ hǎo ma wèishéme zhǎngdà jiù yào zǒu sàn a
How do you do? Why do we have go separate ways after we grow up?

你現在在哪裡 隔我多遠距離
nǐ xiànzài zài nǎlǐ gé wǒ duō yuǎn jùlí
Where are you now, how far are you away from me
是否勇敢飛行 有沒有人愛你
shìfǒu yǒnggǎn fēixíng yǒu méiyǒu rén ài nǐ
Do you dare to fly? Is there anyone that loves you
每當我想起你 世界突然安靜
měi dāng wǒ xiǎngqǐ nǐ shìjiè túrán ānjìng
The world suddenly turns quiet every single time I thought of you
nǐ yě yīyàng ma
Do you feel that too?
青春有你出席 不是為了讓你缺席
qīngchūn yǒu nǐ chūxí bùshì wèile ràng nǐ quēxí
For you to be present in my youth. Is not a chance for you to turn absent (from my life)
好想沿著回憶 狂奔向你 昨日的青空
hǎo xiǎng yánzhe huíyì kuángbēn xiàng nǐ zuórì de qīngkōng
I wanted to chase you along the memories. The crystal sky of yesterday
隨少年 揮手消失在 人海之中
suí shàonián huīshǒu xiāoshī zài rén hǎi zhī zhōng
Disappeared within the crowds as the boy waves his hand

你在嗎 你能聽到嗎
nǐ zài ma nǐ néng tīngdào ma
Are you there? You must meet your happiness
wǒ xiǎng nǐ a
I miss you so much

我好想你 在起風的夜裡
wǒ hǎo xiǎng nǐ zài qǐ fēng de yèlǐ
I miss you so much in the windy nights
我好想你 在人群的縫隙
wǒ hǎo xiǎng nǐ zài rénqún de fèngxì
I miss you so much in midst of a large crowd
你聽見嗎 這一句喜歡你
nǐ tīngjiàn ma zhè yījù xǐhuān nǐ
Did you heard this phrase, "I like you"?
zhuī dé shàng nǐ bèiyǐng ma
Can I catch up with your silhouette?
那些大喊過的名字 沒完成的約定
nàxiē dà hǎnguò de míngzì méi wánchéng de yuēdìng
Those names we shouted. The promises that we didn't fulfill
全都藏在心底 開出寂寞的花
quándōu cáng zài xīndǐ kāi chū jìmò de huā
I hide all them at the bottom of me heart. Blossoming the flowers of loneliness
你好嗎 為什麼長大就要走散啊
nǐ hǎo ma wèishéme zhǎngdà jiù yào zǒu sàn a
How do you do? Why do we have go separate ways after we grow up?

你現在在哪裡 隔我多遠距離
nǐ xiànzài zài nǎlǐ gé wǒ duō yuǎn jùlí
Where are you now, how far are you away from me
是否勇敢飛行 有沒有人愛你
shìfǒu yǒnggǎn fēixíng yǒu méiyǒu rén ài nǐ
Do you dare to fly? Is there anyone that loves you
每當我想起你 世界突然安靜
měi dāng wǒ xiǎngqǐ nǐ shìjiè túrán ānjìng
The world suddenly turns quiet every single time I thought of you
nǐ yě yīyàng ma
Do you feel that too?
青春有你出席 不是為了讓你缺席
qīngchūn yǒu nǐ chūxí bùshì wèile ràng nǐ quēxí
For you to be present in my youth. Is not a chance for you to turn absent (from my life)
好想沿著回憶 狂奔向你 昨日的青空
hǎo xiǎng yánzhe huíyì kuángbēn xiàng nǐ zuórì de qīngkōng
I wanted to chase you along the memories. The crystal sky of yesterday
隨少年 揮手消失在 人海之中
suí shàonián huīshǒu xiāoshī zài rén hǎi zhī zhōng
Disappeared within the crowds as the boy waves his hand

你在嗎 你要幸福啊
nǐ zài ma Nǐ yào xìngfú a
Are you there? You should be happy
wǒ xiǎng nǐ a
I miss you so much

English translation credit: 魚魚

You Zhang Jing 尤長靖 - Crystal Sky of Yesterday 昨日青空 Lyrics Video:

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