R-chord 謝和弦 - Snow Red 那不是雪中紅 Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation

R-chord 謝和弦 - Snow Red 那不是雪中紅 (Na Bu Shi Xue Zhong Hong) Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation and Pinyin

R-chord 謝和弦 - Snow Red 那不是雪中紅 (Na Bu Shi Xue Zhong Hong) Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation and Pinyin

Singer: R-chord 謝和弦
Album: Be Water
Title: 那不是雪中紅 (Na Bu Shi Xue Zhong Hong)
English Title: Snow Red

雨下的如此狼狽 冷風吹的心兒碎
Yǔ xià de rúcǐ lángbèi lěngfēngchuī de xin er suì
Pouring rain and piercing wind, breaking my heart into pieces
無邊的思念 無際的黑夜
wúbiān de sīniàn wújì de hēiyè
I miss you so much, On this night so dark
ér nǐ bùzài shēnbiān
But you’re not here
喔 既然 我們 都 已經分開 就不要再責怪誰
ō jìrán wǒmen dōu yǐjīng fēnkāi jiù bùyào zài zéguài shuí
Oh! We have broken up, No need to blame anyone
誰會在你的身邊 我都無所謂 只要你過的OK
shuí huì zài nǐ de shēnbiān wǒ dū wúsuǒwèi zhǐyào nǐguò de OK
I don’t care who’s by your side, As long as you’re doing fine
你說 不過是一場夢
nǐ shuō bùguò shì yīchǎng mèng
You say it was just a dream
夢醒了之後 我們都要學會看透
mèng xǐng liǎo zhīhòu wǒmen dōu yào xuéhuì kàntòu
After waking up, we both need to see the truth
那是 血在流 那不是 雪中紅
nà shì xuè zài liú nà bùshì xuě zhōng hóng
That is your bleeding blood, that is not red red snow
快別告訴我 你說你不會痛
kuài bié gàosù wǒ nǐ shuō nǐ bù huì tòng
Don’t tell me that you don’t feel the pain
玫瑰花凋落 都成了雪中紅
méiguī huā diāoluò dōu chéngle xuě zhōng hóng
Roses falling like red red snow
你的唇 不再有 你的手 不再握
nǐ de chún bùzài yǒu nǐ de shǒu bù zài wò
I can no longer kiss your lips, I can no longer hold your hand
當我睜開雙眼 化為烏有
dāng wǒ zhēng kāi shuāng yǎn huà wéi wūyǒu
When I open my eyes, everything is gone
dàyǔ xià de rúcǐ lángbèiwéijiān
Pouring rain and piercing wind
連冷風都要讓心兒 碎的 哀屍遍野
lián lěng fēng dōu yào ràng xin er suì de āi shī biànyě
Even the cold wind has to let the heart break
無邊的思念 無際的黑夜 你早已不在身邊
wúbiān de sīniàn wújì de hēiyè nǐ zǎoyǐ bù zài shēnbiān
I miss you so much, On this night so dark, but you're not here

喔 既然我們 分開了 就不要再吵了
ō jìrán wǒmen fēnkāile jiù bùyào zài chǎole
Oh! We have broken up, no need to argue anymore
只要你答應我 你會過得好就好了
zhǐyào nǐ dāyìng wǒ nǐ huìguò dé hǎo jiù hǎole
Promise me that you'll be fine
你說過 那不過就是一場太美麗的夢 至少我們愛過
nǐ shuōguò nà bùguò jiùshì yīchǎng tài měilì de mèng zhìshǎo wǒmen àiguò
You said it's just beautiful dream, at least we loved each other

喔 學會了放手 學會了看透 學會看著你遠走
ō xuéhuìle fàngshǒu xuéhuìle kàntòu xué huì kànzhe nǐ yuǎn zǒu
I’ve learnt to let go, I’ve learnt to see you go, 
只是我的心 還沒有做好準備接受
zhǐshì wǒ de xīn hái méiyǒu zuò hǎo zhǔnbèi jiēshòu
But my heart, my heart is not ready to let you go
那是 血在流 那不是 雪中紅
nà shì xuè zài liú nà bùshì xuě zhōng hóng
That is your bleeding blood, that is not red red snow
快別告訴我 你說你不會痛
kuài bié gàosù wǒ nǐ shuō nǐ bù huì tòng
Don’t tell me that you don’t feel the pain
玫瑰花凋落 都成了雪中紅
méiguī huā diāoluò dōu chéngle xuě zhōng hóng
Roses falling like red red snow
你的唇 不再有 你的手 不再握
nǐ de chún bùzài yǒu nǐ de shǒu bù zài wò
I can no longer kiss your lips, I can no longer hold your hand
當我睜開雙眼 化為烏有
dāng wǒ zhēng kāi shuāng yǎn huà wéi wūyǒu
When I open my eyes, everything is gone
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