Namewee 黃明志 feat. Fu Jiu 富九 - Beyond The Edge 我們的海闊天空 Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation

Namewee 黃明志 feat. Fu Jiu 富九 - Beyond The Edge 我們的海闊天空 (Wo Men De Hai Kuo Tian Kong) Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation and Pinyin | 黃明志 富九 我們的海闊天空 歌詞

Namewee 黃明志 feat. Fu Jiu 富九 - Beyond The Edge 我們的海闊天空 (Wo Men De Hai Kuo Tian Kong) Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation and Pinyin | 黃明志 富九 我們的海闊天空 歌詞

Singer: Namewee 黃明志 feat. Fu Jiu 富九 
Album: Beyond The Edge 我們的海闊天空
Title: (Wo Men De Hai Kuo Tian Kong) 我們的海闊天空
English Title: Beyond The Edge

原諒我總不停受傷跌倒 無處可逃
Yuánliàng wǒ zǒng bù tíng shòushāng diédǎo wú chù kě táo
Forgive me as I keep getting hurt and falling, I have nowhere to escape
用盡力氣掙脫 我卻只能咆哮
yòng jìn lìqì zhēngtuō wǒ què zhǐ néng páoxiāo
I've used up all my strength, but I can only growl
前路茫茫遙望夜黑風高 抵不過這浪潮
qián lù mángmáng yáowàng yè hēi fēng gāo dǐ bùguò zhè làngcháo
The path ahead is unclear and dangerous, I can't overcome this tide
伸出手 是否還能擁抱
shēn chūshǒu shìfǒu hái néng yǒngbào
We can still embrace it if we reach out our hands? 

Yeah 兄弟 那些光輝的歲月
Yeah xiōngdì nàxiē guānghuī de suìyuè
Yeah, my friends, cheers to those glorious days
高舉著拳頭 滿腔熱血
gāojǔzhe quántóu mǎnqiāng rèxuè
We raised our fists with enthusiasm
wèile lǐxiǎng hé zìyóu
For the sake of our ambition and freedom
wǒmen chēngguòle duōshǎo hán yè
We've survived so many chilly nights
不顧一切 不能抹滅
bùgù yīqiè bùnéng mǒ miè
We went all-in and it can't be forgotten
風雨裡追趕 就算再多的夢魘
fēngyǔ lǐ zhuīgǎn jiùsuàn zài duō de mèngyǎn
We could catch up in the hardships although there are so many nightmares
每次瀕臨幻滅 崩潰瓦解
měi cì bīnlín huànmiè bēngkuì wǎjiě
We break down at the verge of disillusion
wǒmen shǐzhōng zài zuì qiánxiàn
but we always been at the front line
追逐的不是過眼雲煙 是火焰 是堅決
zhuīzhú de bùshì guòyǎnyúnyān shì huǒyàn shì jiānjué
We're not chasing after superficies but flame and determination
yīqǐ gòngtóng chuàngzào nà xīnzhōng wánměi de shìjiè
Let's create the perfect world together

(不畏懼) 用力奔向 遠方 最終的目標
(bù wèijù) yònglì bēn xiàng yuǎnfāng zuìzhōng de mùbiāo
Let's run earnestly to our final target afar
(地厚和天高) 不羈在風中 你我 都曾經跌倒
(dì hòu hé tiān gāo) bùjī zài fēng zhōng nǐ wǒ dōu céngjīng diédǎo
Both you and I tumbled for being unruly
(血和淚) 歲月如梭 傷痛 不可能忘掉
(xuè hé lèi) suìyuè rú suō shāng tòng bù kěnéng wàngdiào
It is impossible to forget our pain Even though time flies like a shuttle 
(是我的驕傲) 燃起胸口的火藥 不放手要緊緊捉牢
(shì wǒ de jiāo'ào) rán qǐ xiōngkǒu de huǒyào bù fàngshǒu yàojǐn jǐn zhuō láo
 Lit up the passion in our chest and hold on tight

原諒我總不停受傷跌倒 無處可逃
Yuánliàng wǒ zǒng bù tíng shòushāng diédǎo wú chù kě táo
Forgive me as I keep getting hurt and falling, I have nowhere to escape
用盡力氣掙脫 我卻只能咆哮
yòng jìn lìqì zhēngtuō wǒ què zhǐ néng páoxiāo
I've used up all my strength, but I can only growl
前路茫茫遙望夜黑風高 抵不過這浪潮
qián lù mángmáng yáowàng yè hēi fēng gāo dǐ bùguò zhè làngcháo
The path ahead is unclear and dangerous, I can't overcome this tide
伸出手 是否還能擁抱
shēn chūshǒu shìfǒu hái néng yǒngbào
We can still embrace it if we reach out our hands? 

Na na na na na na
Na na na na na na
chōngpò zhè yīdào hēi láo
Break through this dark prison
hǎikuòtiānkōng jiù zài pòxiǎo
You can see the vast sky at dawn
Na na na na na na

他說他放下 想平靜庸碌地過生活
tā shuō tā fàngxià xiǎng píngjìng yōnglù deguò shēnghuó
He says to forget it all and live a peaceful life
他說他離開 是因為敵不過也戳不破
tā shuō tā líkāi shì yīnwèi dí bùguò yě chuō bùpò
He left because he couldn't win nor break out
他說請認命吧 認輸吧 不是我們的錯
tā shuō qǐng rènmìng ba rènshū ba bùshì wǒmen de cuò
He resign to fate and give up as it's not our fault
那一片海闊天空 再也看不見白鴿和彩虹
nà yīpiàn hǎikuòtiānkōng zài yě kàn bùjiàn bái gē hé cǎihóng
Under the vast sky we can no longer see pigeon and rainbow
用完最後一口氣 捍衛最卑微的權利
yòng wán zuìhòu yī kǒuqì hànwèi zuì bēiwéi de quánlì
We shall defend our modest rights with our last breath
在烏煙瘴氣 的高壓下 拼命地用力呼吸
zài wūyānzhàngqì de gāoyā xià pīnmìng de yònglì hūxī
We are under the pressure of foul atmosphere, We shall breathe desperately
從前的戰友和兄弟 切記
cóngqián de zhànyǒu hé xiōngdì qièjì
To my comrades and friends, please remember
我們曾一起努力 勇往直前衝撞暴力
wǒmen céng yīqǐ nǔlì yǒngwǎngzhíqián chōngzhuàng bàolì

(不畏懼) 用力奔向 遠方 最終的目標
(bù wèijù) yònglì bēn xiàng yuǎnfāng zuìzhōng de mùbiāo
Let's run earnestly to our final target afar
(地厚和天高) 不羈在風中 你我 都曾經跌倒
(dì hòu hé tiān gāo) bùjī zài fēng zhōng nǐ wǒ dōu céngjīng diédǎo
Both you and I tumbled for being unruly
(血和淚) 歲月如梭 傷痛 不可能忘掉
(xuè hé lèi) suìyuè rú suō shāng tòng bù kěnéng wàngdiào
It is impossible to forget our pain, even though time flies like a shuttle
(是我的驕傲) 燃起胸口的火藥 不放手要緊緊捉牢
(shì wǒ de jiāo'ào) rán qǐ xiōngkǒu de huǒyào bù fàngshǒu yàojǐn jǐn zhuō láo
Lit up the passion in our chest and hold on tight

為何對自己嗤笑 為何讓勇敢失效
wèihé duì zìjǐ chīxiào wèihé ràng yǒnggǎn shīxiào
Why do we mock ourselves? Why does our courage lose its efficacy
zàibu tíng zhuì rù sǐjiǎo
And we keep falling into the blind side?
也許會飽受煎熬 也許已無可救藥
yěxǔ huì bǎo shòu jiān'áo yěxǔ yǐ wú kě jiù yào
We might feel suffer and hopeless
mèngxiǎng shì zuìhòu yīkào
but our dream is the last reliance

原諒我總不停受傷跌倒 無處可逃
Yuánliàng wǒ zǒng bù tíng shòushāng diédǎo wú chù kě táo
Forgive me as I keep getting hurt and falling, I have nowhere to escape
用盡力氣掙脫 我卻只能咆哮
yòng jìn lìqì zhēngtuō wǒ què zhǐ néng páoxiāo
I've used up all my strength, but I can only growl
前路茫茫遙望夜黑風高 抵不過這浪潮
qián lù mángmáng yáowàng yè hēi fēng gāo dǐ bùguò zhè làngcháo
The path ahead is unclear and dangerous, I can't overcome this tide
伸出手 是否還能擁抱
shēn chūshǒu shìfǒu hái néng yǒngbào
We can still embrace it if we reach out our hands? 

Na na na na na na
Na na na na na na
chōngpò zhè yīdào hēi láo
Break through this dark prison
hǎikuòtiānkōng jiù zài pòxiǎo
You can see the vast sky at dawn
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na na
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for that: Chinese, Pinyin and English translation, what can I ask for else?
    Xie xie! That song is amazing^-^
