Namewee 黃明志 - Shot it in 不小心 (Bu Xiao Xin) Lyrics 歌詞 English Translation Pinyin

Namewee 黃明志 - Shot it in 不小心 (Bu Xiao Xin) Lyrics 歌詞 English Translation Pinyin | 黃明志 不小心 歌詞

Namewee 黃明志 - Shot it in 不小心 (Bu Xiao Xin) Lyrics 歌詞 English Translation Pinyin | 黃明志 不小心 歌詞

Singer: Namewee 黃明志
Album: Shot it in 不小心 (Bu Xiao Xin)
Title: 不小心 (Bu Xiao Xin)
English Title: Shot it in

Shot it in 不小心 (Bu Xiao Xin) Lyrics / Pinyin / 歌詞:

當個老司機 每天載妳
Dāng gè lǎo sījī měitiān zài nǎi
As an experience driver, driving you arond
dòngxué lǐ jìn jìnchū chū tànxiǎn lǚxíng
In and out of the cave, going on an adventure
聽一聽 樹懶叫的聲音
tīng yī tīng shù lǎn jiào de shēngyīn
Listen, the sloth is calling
蝌蚪游來游去 看龜頭慢慢揚起
kēdǒu yóu lái yóu qù kàn guītóu màn man yáng qǐ
Tadpoles swimming around, the turtle's head rising slowly

真的好大 說妳的愛心
zhēn de hào dà shuō nǎi de àixīn
It's really big! I mean, your heart
撫摸我小鳥 在我房間裡
fǔmō wǒ xiǎoniǎo zài wǒ fángjiān lǐ
Touch my little bird inside my room
一起啪啪啪 拍掌看著舊日劇
yīqǐ pā pā pā pāi zhǎng kànzhe jiù rìjù
Let's clap, papapa and watching classic Japanese drama
就快高潮了 望著海潮落又潮起
jiù kuài gāo cháo liǎo wàngzhe hǎicháo luò yòu cháo qǐ
The climax is coming soon as we watch the tide fall and rise

我射了進去 是我不小心
wǒ shèle jìnqù shì wǒ bù xiǎoxīn
I shot it in I was being careless
就射了進去 愛射進妳的心
jiù shèle jìnqù ài shè jìn nǎi de xīn
I shot it in all love shot to your heart 
脫光了偽裝 坦誠相見 赤裸無需猜疑
tuōguāngle wèizhuāng tǎnchéng xiāng jiàn chìluǒ wúxū cāiyí
Take off the disguise, open up without suspicion
摩擦太用力 必須用潤滑劑
mócā tài yònglì bìxū yòng rùnhuá jì
The friction is too strong, a lubricant is needed

我射了進去 是我不小心
wǒ shèle jìnqù shì wǒ bù xiǎoxīn
I shot it in,  I was being careless
內射了進去 愛射進妳的心
nèishèle jìnqù ài shè jìn nǎi de xīn
I shot it in, A love shot to your heart
每天中出妳因為妳 不喜歡晚上出去
měitiān zhòng chū nǎi yīnwèi nǎi bù xǐhuān wǎnshàng chūqù
We date in the afternoon as you don't like to go out at night
yào ràng nǎi xià bànshēng shū shūfú fú gěi nǎi quántào de àiqíng
Making sure you're comfortable so I'm giving you the full love package

zuì'ài cóng nǎi de hòumiàn jìnqù
I love going in from your back
júhuā er zhànfàng mùguā chuíxiányùdī
Chrysanthemums blooming, papayas are delicious
挖下去 用手挖也用工具
wā xiàqù yòng shǒu wā yě yòng gōngjù
Digging down, using hands and tools
bāng nǎi zhǒng cǎoméi yīqǐ jīngyìqiújīng
We worked hard to plant strawberries together

liúle hǎoduō shuǐ nǎi dōu shīle
The water is flowing, you're all wet
多汁的鮑魚打開噴了滿地 No
duō zhī de bàoyú dǎkāi pēnle mǎn dì No
The juicy abalone squirting juice on the floor, No
下面給妳吃 妳妹妹也餓了
xiàmiàn gěi nǎi chī nǎi mèimei yě èle
Cooking noodles for you, your younger sister is hungry too
nòng pò tā de mó xìnghǎo shǒujī méi bào píng
Broke her film, luckily her phone's screen didn't break

我射了進去 是我不小心
wǒ shèle jìnqù shì wǒ bù xiǎoxīn
I shot it in I was being careless
就射了進去 愛射進妳的心
jiù shèle jìnqù ài shè jìn nǎi de xīn
I shot it in all love shot to your heart 
脫光了偽裝 坦誠相見 赤裸無需猜疑
tuōguāngle wèizhuāng tǎnchéng xiāng jiàn chìluǒ wúxū cāiyí
Take off the disguise, open up without suspicion
摩擦太用力 必須用潤滑劑
mócā tài yònglì bìxū yòng rùnhuá jì
The friction is too strong, a lubricant is needed

我射了進去 是我不小心
wǒ shèle jìnqù shì wǒ bù xiǎoxīn
I shot it in,  I was being careless
內射了進去 愛射進妳的心
nèishèle jìnqù ài shè jìn nǎi de xīn
I shot it in, A love shot to your heart
每天中出妳因為妳 不喜歡晚上出去
měitiān zhòng chū nǎi yīnwèi nǎi bù xǐhuān wǎnshàng chūqù
We date in the afternoon as you don't like to go out at night
yào ràng nǎi xià bànshēng shū shūfú fú gěi nǎi quántào de àiqíng
Making sure you're comfortable so I'm giving you the full love package

我射了進去 是我不小心
wǒ shèle jìnqù shì wǒ bù xiǎoxīn
I shot it in I was being careless
就射了進去 愛射進妳的心
jiù shèle jìnqù ài shè jìn nǎi de xīn
I shot it in al love shot to your heart 
脫光了偽裝 坦誠相見 赤裸無需猜疑
tuōguāngle wèizhuāng tǎnchéng xiāng jiàn chìluǒ wúxū cāiyí
Take off the disgueise, open up without suspicion
摩擦太用力 必須用潤滑劑
mócā tài yònglì bìxū yòng rùnhuá jì
The friction is too strong, a lubricant is needed

我射了進去 是我不小心
wǒ shèle jìnqù shì wǒ bù xiǎoxīn
I shot it in,  I was being careless
內射了進去 愛射進妳的心
nèishèle jìnqù ài shè jìn nǎi de xīn
I shot it in, A love shot to your heart
每天中出妳因為妳 不喜歡晚上出去
měitiān zhòng chū nǎi yīnwèi nǎi bù xǐhuān wǎnshàng chūqù
We date in the afternoon as you don't like to go out at night
yào ràng nǎi xià bànshēng shū shūfú fú gěi nǎi quántào de àiqíng
Making sure you're comfortable so I'm giving you the full love package

bù xiǎoxīn shèle jìnqù
Shot it in, I was being careless
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