Mayday 五月天 - Beginning of the End 終於結束的起點 Lyrics English Translation

Mayday 五月天 - Beginning of the End 終於結束的起點 Lyrics 歌詞 with English Translation and Pinyin

Mayday 五月天 - Beginning of the End 終於結束的起點 Lyrics with Pinyin

Singer : Mayday 五月天
Album : History of Tomorrow
Title : Zhong Yu Jie Shu De Qi Dian 終於結束的起點
English Title : Beginning of the End

還記不記得 我和你 最初的相信
Hái jì bù jìdé wǒ hé nǐ zuìchū de xiāngxìn
Do you remember our faith in the beginning 
還記不記得 孩子般 簡單的愛情
hái jì bù jìdé háizi bān jiǎndān de àiqíng
Do you remember our innocent and simple love
我們彷彿天生在一起 用不完的默契和話題
wǒmen fǎngfú tiānshēng zài yīqǐ yòng bù wán de mòqì hé huàtí
we seemed born together tacit understanding and endless talk
戴上了耳機 沉入曾經的 回憶
dài shàngle ěrjī chén rù céngjīng de huíyì
I put on my headset and sink into memories

幸福的回憶 是追求 幸福的天敵
xìngfú de huíyì shì zhuīqiú xìngfú de tiāndí
happy memories pursuing the natural enemies of happiness
寂寞的問候 是加深 寂寞的陷阱
jìmò de wènhòu shì jiāshēn jìmò de xiànjǐng
lonely greetings deepening the trap of loneliness
當時無限珍藏的回憶 變成無處躲藏的雨季
dāngshí wúxiàn zhēncáng de huíyì biànchéng wú chù duǒcáng de yǔjì
the infinite collection of memories turns into rainy season with nowhere to hide
讓最小事情 都變成最痛 嘆息
ràng zuìxiǎo shìqíng dōu biànchéng zuì tòng tànxí
that makes the smallest things become the most harrowing I sigh
每一段傷痛的愛情 都困住兩顆想掙脫 傷痛的心
měi yīduàn shāng tòng de àiqíng dōu kùn zhù liǎng kē xiǎng zhēngtuō shāng tòng de xīn
every painful love is trapped between two hearts trying to break free from pain 
如果說可惜 就在下一章 更珍惜
rúguǒ shuō kěxí jiù zàixià yī zhāng gèng zhēnxī
each regret is even more cherished in the next chapter
也許一個勇敢的決定 能換兩個重生的約定
yěxǔ yīgè yǒnggǎn de juédìng néng huàn liǎng gè chóngshēng de yuēdìng
perhaps one brave decision may change the agreement between two reborn people 
「我們到了站」 這一站叫終於
`wǒmen dàole zhàn' zhè yí zhàn jiào zhōngyú
‘we got to the station’ this station is called The End

zhōngyú jiéshù de qǐdiǎn
the beginning of the end   
終於寫下句點 終於我們告別
zhōngyú xiě xià jùdiǎn zhōngyú wǒmen gàobié
the full stop at the end of sentence the last farewell 
終於我們又 回到原點
zhōngyú wǒmen yòu huí dào yuán diǎn
the arrival back at the starting point 
流乾了眼淚 日日夜夜
liú gānle yǎnlèi rì rì yè yè
after days and nights no tears left to cry 
未來的我們 也許能說聲
wèilái de wǒmen yěxǔ néng shuō shēng
maybe someday we will be able to say
`hǎojiǔ bùjiàn.'
‘long time no see’

愛情並不是 對與錯 簡單是非題
Àiqíng bìng bùshì duì yǔ cuò jiǎndān shìfēi tí
love is not about right and wrong, it’s never so simple
相愛的兩人 不一定 能相守相依
xiāng'ài de liǎng rén bù yīdìng néng xiāng shǒu xiāngyī
two people that love one another may not be made for being a couple 
因為相愛所以在一起 因為深愛所以又分離
yīnwèi xiāng'ài suǒyǐ zài yīqǐ yīnwèi shēn ài suǒyǐ yòu fēnlí
together because of love, apart because of love 
約在下一站 車票是你我 勇氣
yuē zàixià yí zhàn chēpiào shì nǐ wǒ yǒngqì
let’s meet at the next station, courage will be our ticket 

每一段遺憾的曾經 當時名字都叫憧憬 我們的心
měi yīduàn yíhàn de céngjīng dāngshí míngzì dōu jiào chōngjǐng wǒmen de xīn
every past regret was once called confrontation our hearts 
不能忘懷的 至少釋懷吧 在風裡
bùnéng wànghuái de zhìshǎo shìhuái ba zài fēng lǐ
cannot forget but let’s let it go with the wind
「那些無法看破的嘆息 某天會是看淡的風景」
`nàxiē wúfǎ kànpò dì tànxí mǒu tiān huì shì kàndàn de fēngjǐng'
‘those impenetrable sighs one day will be a faded landscape'
雖然那風景 永遠有誰缺席
suīrán nà fēngjǐng yǒngyuǎn yǒu shuí quēxí
a landscape where one person will be so dearly missed

zhōngyú jiéshù de qǐdiǎn
the beginning of the end   
終於寫下句點 終於我們告別
zhōngyú xiě xià jùdiǎn zhōngyú wǒmen gàobié
the full stop at the end of sentence the last farewell 
終於我們又 回到原點
zhōngyú wǒmen yòu huí dào yuán diǎn
the arrival back at the starting point 
流乾了眼淚 日日夜夜
liú gānle yǎnlèi rì rì yè yè
after days and nights no tears left to cry 
未來的我們 也許能說聲好久不見 好久不見
wèilái de wǒmen yěxǔ néng shuō shēng hǎojiǔ bùjiàn hǎojiǔ bùjiàn
maybe someday we will be able to say long time no see, long time no see

zhōngyú jiéshù de qǐdiǎn
the beginning of the end   
終於寫下句點 終於我們告別
zhōngyú xiě xià jùdiǎn zhōngyú wǒmen gàobié
the full stop at the end of sentence the last farewell 
終於我們又 回到原點
zhōngyú wǒmen yòu huí dào yuán diǎn
the arrival back at the starting point 
流乾了眼淚 日日夜夜
liú gānle yǎnlèi rì rì yè yè
after days and nights no tears left to cry 
未來的我們 也許能說聲
wèilái de wǒmen yěxǔ néng shuō shēng
maybe someday we will be able to say
`hǎojiǔ bùjiàn.'
‘long time no see’

zhàn zài zhè qǐdiǎn
standing at this starting point 
其實沒有走遠 其實不願告別
qíshí méiyǒu zǒu yuǎn qíshí bù yuàn gàobié
we haven’t gone far, we don’t want to say goodbye
其實我心中 依然想念
qíshí wǒ xīnzhōng yīrán xiǎngniàn
in fact my heart still misses
擁抱著遺憾 歲歲年年
yǒngbàozhe yíhàn suì suì nián nián
embraces the regret many years and months after 
卻要在今天 頭也不回的告別昨天 奔向明天
què yào zài jīntiān tóu yě bù huí de gàobié zuótiān bēn xiàng míngtiān
but today no more looking back to yesterday’s farewell

bēn xiàng míngtiān
racing toward tomorrow
不回頭 不眷戀 的明天
bù huítóu bù juànliàn de míng tiān
a tomorrow with neither nostalgia nor love
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