Top 6 Modern Chinese Songs About Father and Mother

Do you looking for a Chinese songs about parents (father and or mother)? As long I know, there are not much modern Chinese pop songs about father or mother so isn't an easy job to find it. But you don't have to worry, we here at Musicacrossasia picked a list of songs special for you.

Top 5 Modern Chinese Songs About Father and Mother

Ronghao Li 李榮浩 - Mama & Papa 爸爸媽媽

Our first favorite Mandarin song about the love of our parents is Mama & Papa from famous Chinese singer, Ronghao Li. This song is part of his An Ideal album which released in 2016. The lyrics of this song absolutely touching and describe our parents love to us. "Mom and dad gave me enough, enough for me to live in this age, youth shouldn't be wasted, and (parents) also tell me just like a friend."
The music video is just amazing too, you should watch it.

See the lyrics here: Ronghao Li 李榮浩 - Mama & Papa 爸爸媽媽 lyrics

Jay Chou 周杰倫 - Listen to Mom 聽媽媽的話

Our favorite singer, Jay Chou also have a mom-themed song which is Listen to Mom which part of Still Fantasy album. This song tells us about the importance of honoring our mom words and to never hurt our mother's heart. Until now, this moderate R&B song with cheerish melody still become one of the most popular Jay Chou songs. This song is perfect choice to celebrate the Mother's Day. How about the Father's Day? let's see our next pick:

Chopsticks Brothers 筷子兄弟 - Father 父親 

This is our favorite Chinese song about father. The lyrics are just touching and describe perfectly how we think and feel about our father, such a amazing song from the Chopsticks Brothers. Just see the lyrics: "Time please go slow, so you won't keep getting older, I'm willing to give everything I have to keep you live longer, Dad, who always pushed me to be better, what can I do for you? Please accept my care for you, however it's incomparable to what you gave me."
Tell me what do you feel after listening this song?

See the lyrics here: Chopsticks Brothers 筷子兄弟 - Father 父親 Lyrics

Namewee 黃明志 - Mother 老母

Malaysian's Namewee with his Mom sing an amazing song about mother. This song is sung in Chinese Mandarin and traditional dialect. This song is written by himself and tell us about the mother love to her son, the son who still working hard to achieve his dream. The lyrics and musical instrument are very touching and good. The lyrics are just basically tells us how our mother love to his sons so much. I love you, Mom!

See also: 

Top Popular Chinese Songs 2020

Wang Zheng Liang 王錚亮 - Where The Time Has Gone 時間都去哪了

This song is also parent-themed song I guess, but not like some songs above which use the perspective of the son, this song use the parent point of view. "Where The Time Has Gone" tells us how fast the time passes, the lyrics: "Where has time gone? I haven't had the chance to know you well, yet I am already old, taking care of daily necessities my wholfe life, In the blink of an eye, all that's left is a face full of wrinkles."
The video below is a good animation about how it's like to be a mom and dealing with her daughter, that's a good video and I'm sure it will be matched for you to listened this song in Mother's Day.

831 八三夭 - Mama Says 老媽最常說的十句話

If you are prefer in rock-ish style song, this one is for you. The song of popular Taiwanese rock band, 831, is another mother-themed song in our list. The song which literally means "10 words that mothers often said" is really good song. It's just like a time machine that bring us to our childhood and see how we sometimes hate our mom because of her action, nags. But in the end, we actually realized that our mother is the person who love us the most. Don't forget to bring the tissues when you try to listen this song!

See the lyrics here: 831 八三夭 - Mama Says 老媽最常說的十句話 Lyrics

So these are our favorite modern Chinese song about parents (father and, or mother).
Which one is your favorite? tell us in the comment section.
If you have any good recommendation about Chinese songs about mom or dad, please share it with us here.
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